Published on December 5, 2016

Which technique is right for me- NeoGraft (FUE) or a standard strip (FUT) technique? This is probably the most common question that I get today. Patients hear all of these terms along with the claims that go along with them and they obviously become confused.

Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the standard follicular unit transplantation technique (strip technique) that we have been using for decades with excellent success. FUT is proven to provide good results consistently with a high yield. I still believe that FUT provides the most consistent and highest yield results. In addition, it is the most cost effective- typically half the price of FUE.

The downside to FUT is that it requires an excision of tissue which leads to a linear scar in the back of the head. For men who wear their hair extremely short, this scar can be visible- and that is the major drawback with our traditional hair transplant technique. If the patient wears their hair long (most men and almost all women), this may not be an issue.

The major advantage for FUE is that it allows all patients to wear their hair as they choose without concern that it will be obvious they had a procedure. By individually removing the hair follicles, we are able to avoid a linear scar. Patients can rest assured that they can even shave their head without concerns that there will be signs that they have had a hair transplant procedure. In addition, patients in general do report less discomfort with the FUE technique. The downside to FUE is that it is a more tedious procedure, takes longer and is more expensive. So in general we reserve FUE for patients who are concerned about a linear scar in the back of the head.

NeoGraft has changed the above to some degree. With the NeoGraft device, we are able to do FUE much quicker and more efficiently. This helps makes the whole process much easier for the surgeon and the patient. In addition, NeoGraft helps us to achieve more consistent grafts and thus a more predictable result- NeoGraft has improved FUE.

So our recommendations for most patients is that FUT (strip technique) still provides excellent results and is a great option. For those patients that wear their hair short and want to avoid a linear scar, FUE/NeoGraft is the better choice.


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